Talks & Appearances
I have been speaking in public a lot for the past 20 years. I’ve been interviewed a lot on radio and for the internet, usually with regard to my books or Critical Mass, and I’ve given a great number of public lectures on the same in college classrooms, at bookstores, and in various other venues. I have also been hosting a series of Shaping San Francisco Public Talks since 2006, where I act primarily as moderator, but sometimes I’m a presenter too. Those Talks are mostly available as audio or video files by going here.
August 2024
A discussion of Processed World, Shaping San Francisco, technology and history on podcast “Tech Won’t Save Us”
June 2024
A discussion of When Shells Crumble that connects it to Nowtopia on a one-hour long podcast at “Speaking Out of Place”
February 2024
A nice Q&A in Mission Local, February 22, 2024
February 2024
Bird & Beckett Books, presentation of When Shells Crumble
January 2024
City Lights Books (Zoom), presentation of When Shells Crumble
November 2023
A glowing review at the San Francisco Chronicle!
“When Shells Crumble may well be the most optimistic disaster novel you’ll ever read…”
—A.D. Cirulis, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 29, 2023
June 2023
Huck magazine interview: To End Neoliberalism, We Have to ‘Stop Everything We do’
October 2022
Litcrawl, Adobe Books, The Fabulist presents “Utopia Hunters” (7 mins. of After the Deluge)
August 2022
“Peter Greenberg Eye on Travel” CBS Radio, scroll to 1:28:30 for ten minutes on Hidden San Francisco and more. (only worked in Chrome)
August 2022
“Machines in Flames” screening at CounterPULSE, respondent and discussant.
July 2022
“Ride Bikes More” podcast, Austin, TX on origins of Critical Mass
June 2022
Stern magazine, Berlin, Germany reprint of edited version of Karl Magazine interview.
April 2022
Karl Magazine, Stuttgart, Germany, issue 01/2022 “Wie Geht Es Der Critical Mass?” How is Critical Mass?” interview with Chris Carlsson
December 2021
“Roll Over Easy,” Scroll to last 25 minutes of show, where LisaRuth Elliott and I talk about Shaping San Francisco and local history.
July, 2021
“Degrowth & Environmental Justice Summer School 2021,” Can Decreix, France, Retrospective analysis of Nowtopia and how it connects to the Degrowth concept.
June, 2021
San Francisco Diaries: Meet a Local Historian Who is Anything But Jaded
April, 2021
Car-Free Alliance discussion of Critical Mass history and a look at how local history work informs our sense of place.
July, 2020
San Francisco Public Library, Hidden San Francisco presentation (Zoom)
Mechanics Institute, Hidden San Francisco presentation (Zoom)
June, 2020
Against the Grain, KPFA-FM
May, 2020
Pluto Press podcast
March, 2020
East Bay Yesterday podcast
March, 2020
Book release presentation on my 63rd birthday!
October, 2019
A chat with Thaddeus Russell on his “Unregistered” podcast
October, 2019
“Digital Commons: The Road Not Taken” at Main Branch, SF Public Library
July, 2019
“The Bicycling Commons” at Noe Valley Branch, San Francisco Public Library
June, 2019
Nerd Nite San Francisco: “How Did We Get Here?”
May, 2019
“History of 1934 General Strike” at Tenderloin Museum
April, 2019
“Labor Organizing in Tech: Then and Now” at USF, Fromm Hall
February, 2019
“Vanished Waters: A History of San Francisco’s Mission Bay” at Mission Bay Branch Library, part of Take Part SF, revisiting the 1938 SF scale model.
February, 2019
California Historical Society, “Booms and Busts: Looking at Labor in Los Angeles and San Francisco from 1850-1950”
November, 2018
SF Urban Film Festival, “Protest and Celebration in Our Shared Spaces,” Roxie Theater
October, 2018
“A Brief History of Pre-Web Digital Dissent” at Noisebridge, part of MAPP
September, 2018
BikeBike!, Los Angeles State Historic Park, “A Bicycling Commons”
September, 2018
BiodiverseCity Summit 2018, Final keynote: “Working Biodiversity”
August, 2018
“Nowtopia” Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark (via Skype)
May, 2018
“Do Androids Dream of Surplus Value?” part of the “Imagining Post-Capitalism” festival
March, 2018
“The Future of the Past in the Digital Age” at the Koret Auditorium, San Francisco Public Library
March, 2018
“The Future of the Past in the Digital Age” at History Days at the Old Mint, San Francisco
February, 2018
Lo Común Público Bicicletero/The Bicycling Commons at Estadio Bonilla, Lima, Peru, World Bike Forum #7
June, 2017
“A Summer of Love Amidst a Decade of Defiance” at the DeYoung Museum, Friday nights at the DeYoung series, San Francisco
April, 2017
“Ciudades que Echan La Mano“/Cities That Lend a Hand, at the Centro Cultural del Mexico Contemporaneo, World Bike Forum #6, Mexico City
April, 2017
“Start Talks Now on Work Reduction!” at Hofstra University during conference “Marx’s Critique of Political Economy and the Global Crisis Today: on the 150th anniversary of the publication of Karl Marx’s Capital”
March, 2017
“Gazing Ironically Into the Cul-de-Sac of Radicalism” at ProArts Gallery, Oakland, part of the “New Situationists” show.
February, 2017
“Communal Histories” at Domestic Affairs #4: Living Together, held at California College of the Arts, San Francisco
December, 2016
KALW 91.7 FM “City Visions” 25th anniversary show
July, 2016
April, 2016
“We Are the Crisis of Capital” with Andrej Grubacic, at the Anarchist Bookfair, Oakland, CA
April, 2016
Forum Mundial de Bicicleta #5, Santiago, Chile, “If Bicycling is the Key, What Does it Unlock?” and in Spanish: “Si el ciclismo es la clave, ¿qué nos revela?
October, 2015
SF Museum of Modern Art 80th anniversary celebration “Can We Talk About Art?” lecture at Rincon Annex Post Office
July, 2015
DeYoung Museum, Koret Auditorium, Friday Nights at the DeYoung, “San Francisco in the 1970s, and How It Got That Way!”
June, 2015
“Unofficial Histories” conference, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands, “Introducing Shaping San Francisco” opening lecture
March, 2015
North American Anarchist Studies Network conference, “The Contemporary Anarchist Scene, 1980s-present” (part of “Hidden Histories of Bay Area Anarchism” opening plenary)
February, 2015
SF Sketchfest, Hound Tall podcast, history and comedy, at Eureka Theater
January, 2015
HistoryPin presentation at Grand Theater opening
January, 2015
“Gentrification and the Changing Nature of San Francisco,” at The Battery
November, 2014
Telegraph Hill Dwellers Celebration of Neighborhood Writers at Naked Lunch
September, 2014
“Lost Landscapes of Oakland,” hosted screening at Oakland Underground Film Festival, Humanist Hall, Oakland
September, 2014
Radar Reading Series: Banned Books reading, Koret Auditorium, SF Public Library
June, 2014
“State of the City” roundtable discussion, Modern Times Bookstore
June, 2014
Vanished Waters: A History of San Francisco’s Mission Bay, presented at Mission Bay Branch Library
April, 2014
“Sweet Ride” bike festival, San Francisco State University
February, 2014
Forum Mundial da Bicicleta III (3rd World Bike Forum), Curitiba, Brazil
October, 2013
“History From Below” conference, Berlin, Germany
October, 2013
“Giftival” Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
June, 2013
San Bruno County Jail, Critical Mass discussion
May, 2013
National Bike Greenway ride “ambassador”
May, 2013
May, 2013
Presidio Natural Heritage Dialogue, San Francisco, CA
April, 2013
“Changing Directions California: New People, Politics, Cartography”, California Studies Association, David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA
April, 2013
“General Intellect’s Cavalry: the Bicycling Movement on the Front Lines of the Culture War”, Bicycling Hall of Fame, Davis, CA
February, 2013
“History of Bay Area Radicalism,” Holdout, Oakland
October, 2012
“Ramblin’ Reckless Hobo: A Woody Guthrie Tribute“, Litquake, Z Space, San Francisco
September, 2012
“Yerba Buena Yesterday: 150 Years ‘South of the Slot'”, at SPUR, San Francisco
September, 2012
“A Tale of Two Cities’ Food Histories” at SPUR, San Francisco
September, 2012
“Kitchen Table Talks: The Shifting Paradigm of Work in the Food System” at 18 Reasons Why, San Francisco
July, 2012
“Radically Gay: The Life of Harry Hay” at SF Main Library
June, 2012
“Shift Happens!” at Patio Maravillas, Madrid, Spain
June, 2012
“Jobs Don’t Work!” Occupy Forum, San Francisco
May, 2012
“Uses of Market Street” Talk and Walking Tour, Streetopia Festival, Luggage Store, San Francisco
March, 2012
“Represent Yourself” Unconference, Noisebridge Hacker Space, San Francisco.
February, 2012
“Massa Critica e a Utopia do Agora” Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Salão Nobre, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (teaser)
February, 2012
“Nowtopia: A Utopia do Agora” after Critical Mass in Rendençao Park, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
“Cicloativismo, Bicicletada/Massa Critica, cicloativismo como agente de mudança para cidades mais humanas,” World Bike Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil
November, 2011
“Rank and File Research,” City Lights bookstore
November, 2011
360 Collective Intelligence salon
October, 2011
World Savvy Sustainability Conference
September, 2011
“Towards Car-Free Cities” Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
June, 2011
Cries of San Francisco: Manifestoes and Songs, SoEx Gallery
April, 2011
Studio for Urban Projects, Bicycling Politics
March, 2011
NextUs Public Talk, San Francisco
March, 2011
Cicloaxion, Lima, Peru
March, 2011
Charla Solidaria, Programa Democracia y Transformación Global, Lima, Peru
February, 2011
Charla Bicicletero, Quito, Ecuador
February, 2011
Free Soil No. 1: Farming 2050 at Studio for Urban Projects
December, 2010
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, “The Lost World” history of SOMA, part of the Infnite City Atlas series.
November, 2010
TEDx Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil
October, 2010
Good Bike Festival, Zagarolo, Italy
September 2010
Ciclomundi, Siena, Italy
June 2010
U.S. Social Forum, Detroit MI
June 16-20, 2010
Car-Free Vancouver Day, Vancouver, Canada
Part 1:
Part 2:
March 2010
Cat’s Pajamas, MakeOut Room
November 2009
Ancestor’s Wisdom, Messages for These Times
September 2009
2o. Congreso Nacional de Ciclismo Urbano (Guadalajara, Mexico)
“Critical Mass and other Revolutions on Bicycle”
June 2009
Studio for Urban Projects, Nowtopia and FoundSF
June 2009
SPUR Symposium: The Private City: The founding oligarchy of San Francisco
April 2009
Left Forum, NYC: Counter Culture Industries: Capitalist, Anti-capitalist, Non-capitalist
March 2009
Eat-In, Yerba Buena Gardens
March 2009
“An Amnesiac City Sleepwalking Towards the Abyss”, EVOLVE 2009, SF Main Library, “San Francisco: Past, Present, and Future”
November 2008
“Community Conversation: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, BAN 5, Groundings”
September 2008
Public unveiling of Noe Valley Farmers’ Market Murals by Mona Caron
September 2008
The Great Rehearsal, Bay Area panel
September 2008
Conflux Festival, New York City, Keynote speaker
August 2008
The Abundance League, presenting Nowtopia
August 2008
San Francisco Writing For Change Conference
June 2008
The Battle for San Francisco at Portland’s “Towards Car-Free Cities Conference” (mp3)
June 2008
“Take Back the Commons”
Design Action Forum, San Francisco
April 2008
Nowtopia Opening Party at CounterPULSE
March 2008
InsideStoryTime, Catastrophe Fiction, Edinburgh Castle, San Francisco
October 2007
4th biannual “Slow Food Feast of Fools and Friends” at CounterPULSE.
May 2007
“Backtracking 1994-85,” Rigo23, a Forum on local history at the Luggage Store Gallery
April 2007
“Crisis of the California Commons” conference: The Right to the City: Urban Space as Commons
April 2007
“Writing the Bicycle: Rhetoric and Research on Two Wheels” creative writing class at Stanford University.
April 2007
3rd biannual “Slow Food Feast of Fools and Friends” at CounterPULSE.
April 2007
American Association of Geographers Conference: “Revanchist San Francisco II”
March 2007
Anarchist Bookfair, “Nowtopia”
February, 2007
“Whatever Happened to the 8-Hour Day?” talk and multimedia presentation given for the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society
February, 2007
Remodeling Design Activism conference, UC Berkeley, speaking on Critical Mass
September 2006
“This Is Forever” series at Bluestockings Bookstore, NYC. Speaking on “Seeds of the New”, forthcoming book.
July 2006
“The City That Might Have Been,” panel discussion on the 1906 Burnham Plan for San Francisco, held at SPUR in San Francisco.
April 2006
The RADAR reading series: underground & emerging authors, SF Public Library
April, 2006
“Ruin, Rubble and Race: The San Francisco Earthquake and post-Katrina America, 1906 to 2006, One Hundred Years Later”, Chinatown, SF
November 2005
Bay Area Coalition for our Reproductive Rights rally, San Francisco
August 2005
“Writers With Drinks” Make-out Room, San Francisco
March 2005
ATA/Other Cinema: “The New Revolt”
October 2003
Walk/Bike California 2003, “Whose Roads? Our Roads”, Oakland CA
July 2003
“YLEM Forum: Art and Technology Bring History Alive”
October 2002
Break The Gridlock Conference, Chicago, Illinois “Dissolving Political Gridlock”
May 2002
Tentacle Session #33 Chris Carlsson “Riot to Bad Attitude, Revolutionary Tourism, Critical Mass, Dept. of Public Art and Hissstory”
April 2002
Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 2002, San Francisco, panelist, “Grassroots Goes Global: Activism Online”
October 2001
Processed World’s 20th Anniversary party, ATA “Other Cinema” San Francisco
January 2000
Economic Roundtable of San Francisco: “Class Politics in the Wake of Seattle”
April 1996
“Information, Expression, Institution: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction” panel discussion with Perry Hoberman, Marina McDougal and James Brook at Small Press Distribution, Berkeley, CA
February 1995
S. F. Exploratorium Multimedia Playground: “Luddism Revisited”
August 1994
S. F. Press Club Wildcat Words: Swing Shift: Tales of Temp, Part-time & Unemployment, “Wipe Away The Tiers!”
October 1993
UC Berkeley Impact of New Information Resources: Multimedia & Networks, “Shape of Truth to Come”
June 1993
Modern Times Wildcat Words: Altered States: Is Technology the Opiate of the Masses?, “Altered States”
May 1992
Eye Gallery: “Work Isn’t Working”
March 1992
Int’l Clerical & Bankworkers Conference : “Problems Facing White-Collar Organizing”
October 1991
California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA: “Attitude Adjustment Seminar”
Komotion International, San Francisco “Attitude Adjustment Seminar”
June 1990
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England: “Attitude Adjustment Seminar”
August 1986
Split Shift: New Work Writing Conf./ Vancouver, Canada “Attitude Adjustment Seminar”
When Shells Crumble
02/13/23 Bird & Beckett Books
January 2024
01/09/24 City Lights Books (Zoom)
12/12/23 Medicine for Nightmares bookstore
12/05/23 Howard Zinn Bookfair
Hidden San Francisco: A Guide to Lost Landscapes, Unsung Heroes, and Radical Histories
04/14/2021 Community Living Campaign: Ecological History (Zoom)
03/24/2021 Community Living Campaign: Labor History (Zoom)
08/05/2020 Northern California Tour Guide Guild (Zoom)
04/14/2020 San Francisco Village, Zoom presentation
03/11/2020 Book release and opening party, 518 Valencia, San Francisco
Ten Years That Shook the City: San Francisco 1968-78
10/29/2011 UC Berkeley, Multicultural Ctr, EastWind Books
08/17/2011 Koret Auditorium, SF Main Public Library
07/28/2011 Modern Times Books, San Francisco
07/13/2011 Red Hill Books, San Francisco
07/10/2011 Bird & Beckett, San Francisco
07/07/2011 Books Inc., 4th Street, Berkeley
07/06/2011 Books Inc., Opera Plaza, San Francisco
06/21/2011 Books Inc., Market Street, San Francisco
06/16/2011 Pegasus Books, Berkeley
06/08/2011 Shaping SF Talks: Ecology
06/07/2011 Green Arcade Books, San Francisco
06/02/2011 City Lights Books, Opening Release Party
05/25/2011 Shaping SF Talks: Murals, Comix, Posters
05/18/2011 Shaping SF Talks: Mission Politics
Vanished Waters: A History of San Francisco’s Mission Bay
06/18/2014 Mission Bay Branch Library
07/21/2011 Randall Museum Natural History Series
03/26/2011 Green Arcade
02/16/2011 Shaping SF Talks: Mission Bay
06/30/12 Traficantes del Sueño, Madrid, Spain
10/03/10 Il Molino CSOA, Lugano, Switzerland
09/30/10 SHAKE Edizioni, Milan, Italy
09/29/10 Utopia Bookstore, Milan, Italy
09/27/10 Il Modo Infoshop, Bologna, Italy
04/15/09 Word Press Bookstore, Edinburgh, Scotland
04/10/09 1 in 12, Bradford, England
04/05/09 56a Infoshop, London, England
02/07/09 BookSoup, West Hollywood, CA
09/15/08 Sanctuary for Independent Media, Troy, NY
09/07/08 This Ain’t the Rosedale Library, Toronto, Canada
09/04/08 Pages/Cinecycle, Toronto, Canada
08/23/08 Red Hill Books, San Francisco
06/28/08 Camas Books, Victoria, Canada
06/26/08 Spartacus Books, Vancouver, Canada
06/23/08 Left Bank Books, Seattle, WA
06/22/08 Elliott Bay Books, Seattle, WA
06/20/08 Last Word Books, Olympia, WA
06/16/08 Powells Books, Portland, OR
06/14/08 Tsunami Books, Eugene, OR
06/12/08 City Lights Books, San Francisco
06/05/08 AK Press Warehouse, Oakland, CA
05/29/08 Flexi Libreria, Rome, Italy
05/24/08 Torchiera Social Center, Milan, Italy
05/17/08 Lucy Parsons Center, Boston, MA
05/16/08 Symposium Books, Boston, MA
05/15/08 Food For Thought, Amherst, MA
05/14/08 Bluestockings Bookstore, NYC
05/12/08 VoxPop Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY
05/09/08 Brecht Forum, NYC
05/07/08 Columbia University, Teachers College Symposium
05/04/08 Wooden Shoe Books, Philadelphia, PA
05/03/08 A-Space, Philadephia, PA
05/02/08 Red Emma’s, Baltimore, MD
05/01/08 Brian McKenzie Infoshop, Wash. DC
04/30/08 Mudd Puddle Cafe, Frederick, MD
04/24/08 Modern Times Bookstore, SF
The Political Edge
10/28/04 City Lights Bookstore, SF
11/08/04 Black Oak Books, Berkeley
11/16/04 Modern Times Bookstore, SF
11/19/04 AK Press, Oakland
11/30/04 Bird & Beckett, SF
12/02/04 Books Inc., SF
After The Deluge
11/05/04 AK Press, Oakland
12/07/04 Modern Times Bookstore, SF
12/15/04 City Lights Bookstore, SF
03/23/05 SPUR Lunch Forum, SF
03/26/05 Anarchist Book Fair, SF
05/11/05 Thoreau Center, Presidio, SF
06/01/05 Potrero Branch Library, SF
Critical Mass: Bicycling’s Defiant Celebration
05/18/05 Grizzly Peak Cyclist Club, Berkeley
07/24/03 Bluestockings Women’s Bookstore, NYC
07/26/03 Clovis Press Books and Zines, Brooklyn NY
07/27/03 Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA
07/28/03 Black Planet Bookstore, Baltimore, MD
07/29/03 Vertigo Books, College Park, MD
Brian McKenzie social center, Washington DC
??? social center, Richmond, VA
10/08/02 Arise Bookstore, Minneapolis, MN
10/09/02 Rainbow Bookstore Co-op, Madison, WI
10/10/02 The Garage, Milwaukee, WI
10/11/02 Quimby’s Books, Chicago, IL
10/14/02 Boxcar Books, Bloomington, IN
10/15/02 Little Art Theater, Yellow Springs, OH
NOWTOPIA appearances beyond bookstores
08/19/2018 “Nowtopia” Festival, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark (via Skype)
08/01/2016 Rancho Electronico Hackerspace, Mexico City
02/17/2016 California Institute for Integral Studies anthropology and social change class: Nowtopia
02/13/14 Oscar Neimayer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil
02/11/14 Laboriosa89, Sao Paulo, Brazil
02/09/14 Café Bonobo, Porto Alegre, Brazil
11/6/13 California Institute of Integral Studies, “Alternative Economies”
10/13/13 Gezi Park, Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey, “Giftival”
03/17/12 “Represent Yourself” Unconference, Noisebridge Hacker Space, San Francisco
02/29/12 Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Massa Crítica e a Utopia do Agora com Chris Carlsson (teaser) from Associação Ciclocidade on Vimeo.
02/24/12 World Bike Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil
11/15/10 World Savvy Conference, San Francisco
11/06/10 TEDx Amazonia, Brazil
10/26/10 Cal State University, Monterey Bay
10/10/10 Good Bike Festival, Zagarolo, Italy
10/02/10 Carroponte Festival, Sesto Sta Giovanni, Italy
10/01/10 University of Milan, Political Science Dept.
06/23/10 US Social Forum, Detroit MI
05/25/10 UC Santa Cruz, Politics and Community classes
12/05/09 Kafe 44, Stockholm, Sweden
11/28/09 Humla, Oslo, Norway
11/24/09 Ungdomhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
11/19/09 UC Davis Technocultural Studies class
10/06/09 Holistic Health Learning Center, SFSU, “Smart Living vs. Dumb Jobs–Inventing the Future with Creative Work”
05/26/09 UC Santa Cruz, Bicycling class
05/21/09 Stanford University, Writing the Bicycle class
04/28/09 UC Santa Cruz, 12 noon, Introduction to Community Studies; 4:30 pm, Center for Cultural Studies
04/22/09 Global Social Movements, Univ. of San Francisco class
04/15/09 Forest Cafe, Edinburgh, Scotland
04/13/09 Mono Cafe, Glasgow Scotland
04/11/09 The Dukes Cinema, Bike Film Festival, Lancaster, England
04/09/09 I Bike MCR, MR1 Manchester University Students Union building
04/07/09 MA Activism and Social Change seminar, Leeds, Geography Lecture Theatre, East Building
04/06/09 Pogo Cafe, London, England
03/21/09 ATA, San Francisco
03/15/09 Anarchist Bookfair, San Francisco
02/09/09 “Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way! Art, Activism and Dissent” California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA
01/12/09 7 pm, St. Mary’s College, Moraga, CA
01/30/09 3:30-5:30 pm, World Social Forum, Belem, Brazil
02/05/09 1 pm, Google Lunch Klatsch, Los Angeles
02/06/09 12:30 pm-3, FarmLab, Los Angeles
02/06/09 7:30 pm, LA Ecovillage
02/09/09 “Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way! Art, Activism and Dissent” California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA
04/16/08, SmackDab, Magnet, 18th & Collingwood, 8 pm
04/29/08, Penn State University, FreezeThaw group
04/30/08 Mudd Puddle Coffee Shop, Frederick, MD, 7 pm
05/07/08 Columbia Univ. Teachers Coll. Symposium, 12-2 pm
05/09/08 Brecht Forum, New York City
06/09/08 Take Back the Commons Talk 6 pm
06/18/08 Towards Carfree Cities Conference, Portland, OR
08/16/08 San Francisco Writing For Change Conference
08/21/08 6 pm The Abundance League
09/05/08 Guest Reader at Dufferin Grove Park, Toronto, Canada. Hosted by Friends of Dufferin Grove Park
09/08/08 Bread and Roses Cafe in Skydragon Community Development Center, Hamilton, Ontario.
09/11/08 Conflux Festival, New York City
09/13/08 Highland Park, NJ
09/15/08 “Engineering Ethics” and “Intro to Media Studies” classes at Rensallaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
10/01/08 MFA Seminar “Public Strategies”, California College of the Arts.
11/05/08 Geography Dept. Symposium, San Francisco State University
11/11/08 “Frameworks of Art and Urbanism” San Francisco Art Institute
12/03/08 “The Contested City” San Francisco Art Institute
Shaping San Francisco appearances
Ongoing, 10-12 times per year, Shaping San Francisco’s “Cycles of History” historical bike and walking tours
Ongoing, once a month, Bay Cruises with FishEmeryville, alternating between the northern shore and the bayshore.
01/05/2024 American Historical Association conference, walking tour “Unexpected and Unusual Labor History Tour”
10/27/2022 Community Living Campaign “Day of the Dead and Where the Bodies Are Buried” (zoom)
04/20/2022 Community Living Campaign “Ecological History” (zoom)
04/13/2022 San Francisco Art Institute Urban Studies class walking tour in North Beach/Fisherman’s Wharf
03/30/2022 Community Living Campaign “Art of Remembering” class (zoom)
03/15/2022 Community Living Campaign “Labor History” (zoom)
12/09/2021 History Happy Hour with Western Neighborhoods Project (zoom)
10/31/2021 Community Living Campaign “Day of the Dead and Where the Bodies Are Buried” (zoom)
02/27/2020 Walking tour for San Francisco Art Institute, “Trash” class
02/22/2020 California College for the Arts, walking tour of SOMA and Haight-Ashbury
02/21/2020 San Francisco State, Korean visiting class, Clarion alley tour
06/02/2019 Walking tour for World Ecology Research Network conference attendees
05/21/2019 Walking tour for students from “Canal Welcome Center” of San Rafael.
04/08/2019, Network for Elders, St. Anne’s Church, “Inner Sunset and Golden Gate Park history”
03/02-3/2019 History Days at the Old Mint
02/28/2019 Network for Elders, Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church, “Miraloma/Twin Peaks history”
02/27/2019 “Take Part SF/Public Knowledge” presentation on scale model, Golden Gate Branch Library
01/26/2019 Department of Memory bike tour of branch libraries for “Take Part SF” looking at 1938 scale model of San Francisco (also Feb. 2, 16, 23)
01/23/2019 Network for Elders, Cayuga Senior Center, “Hidden Waterways of Islais Creek Watershed”
11/13/2018 Network for Elders, George Davis Senior Center, “African American History in San Francisco”
11/06/2018 CIIS: History From Below, methods and practices
10/31/2018 “Jazz of Modern Basketball: Racism and Virtuosity at the Roots of the Golden State Warriors”
08/25/2018 “Hidden Waterways” bike tour for Bicis del Pueblo, PODER, San Francisco
07/30/2018 La Pocha Nostra seminar
06/02/2018 San Francisco International Art Festival, walking tour of Fort Mason
04/20/2018 Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco: History of San Francisco Housing Politics
04/12/2018 Organization of American Historians annual conference: Workshop on “Shaping San Francisco and The Forms of History”
04/03/2018 Shaping San Francisco and Popular Historical Research, guest speaker at CCA class
03/19/2018 San Francisco Community Land Trust: History of San Francisco Housing Politics
03/05/2018 “Art, Populism, and the City” guest speaker at UC Berkeley class
12/13/2017 The Freeway Revolt (Shaping SF Talk)
12/06/2017 From Popular Front to Cold War (Shaping SF Talk)
11/01/2017 Mission tour for CCA Class “Street”
10/25/2017 Guest speaker “History of City Planning” UC Berkeley
10/18/2017 moderator, panel on “Stop the Draft Week” 50th anniversary held at Oakland Public Library with Calif. Historical Society
09/30/2017 Mission walking tour for Minerva Cuevas and SFMOMA
09/17/2017 “We Are Here” Studio for Urban Projects guided bike ride to Headlands Center for the Arts Opening of the new Commons
06/27/2017 Guest speaker at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute walking tour of Eureka Valley.
06/13/2017 Institute for Social Ecology, walking tour of Civic Center and South of Market
05/17/2017 Walking tour for students from “Canal Welcome Center” of San Rafael.
05/06/2017 Teaching History in the 21st Century conference, UC Berkeley
05/03/2017 San Francisco Labor History, Shaping SF Talks series, with Fred Glass
03/08/2017 Walking tour for “Right to the City” class, California College of the Arts
03/07/2017 Visiting class from Montreal, Quebec, walking tour of the Mission
03/04-05/2017 History Days at the Old Mint
02/16/2017 Mission Murals tour for San Francisco Art Institute class
01/31/2017 Montalvo Arts Center, “San Francisco 1860-1906”
11/08/2016 Paste Magazine, November 2016
11/04/2016 Howard Zinn Bookfair, San Francisco, “Creative Contrarians”
10/07/2016 Market Street Prototyping Festival walking tour of Market Street
09/29/2016 USF class walking tour of Haight-Ashbury
09/19/2016 SF Art Institute class on “trash,” walking tour of north shore
08/31/2016 San Francisco history walking tour from the Mission to Mission Creek for School for International Training, “IHP Comparative: Climate Change–The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy”
04/28/2016 Walking tour of Dogpatch and Mission Bay with UCSF team
04/21/2016 California Institute of Integral Studies, Anthropology and Social change students walking tour
04/20/2016 “The Cultural Ecology of the 1960s and 70s: A panel discussion with Shaping San Francisco” at the California Historical Society with Nina Serrano, Lincoln Cushing, and Jesse Drew
03/05-06/2016 History Days at the Old Mint
02/29/2106 Visiting class from Montreal, Quebec, walking tour of the Mission
02/04/2016 San Francisco history walking tour for School for International Training, “IHP Comparative: Climate Change–The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy”
02/03/2016 California College of the Arts UDIST class bike tour of central city
01/26/2016 California College of the Arts, Architecture and Urbanism class
10/29/2015 Presidio Officers Club Dialogue Series: “The Vietnam War in Ten Years That Shook the City: San Francisco 1968-78″
10/17/2015 Litcrawl, “Still Contrarian After All these Years”
09/27/2015 “Season of the Witch” bike tour for SF Public Library’s “One City One Book” program
09/23/2015 Guest speaker at USF McCarthy Center Faculty meeting
09/22/2015 Guest lecture San Francisco Labor History, USF labor history class
09/05/2015 Labor and ecological history of the waterfront, USF service learning orientation tour
09/03/2015 Labor history walking tour for American Association of Political Scientists
08/29/2015 Labor and ecological history of the waterfront, USF service learning orientation tour
08/28/2015 San Francisco history walking tour from the Mission to Mission Creek for School for International Training, “IHP Comparative: Climate Change–The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy”
08/08/15 Friends of Strawberry Hill, Golden Gate Park, “History of Ecology Movement”
07/11/15 Friends of Strawberry Hill, Golden Gate Park, “Midwinter Fair and Turn of the 20th Century Infrastructure”
07/07/15 International Student Conferences, “History of Mission District”
05/28/15 Moderator, California Historical Society panel on “Labor and the PPIE”
05/20/15 “Scapegoat,” Glenn Lym’s documentary on the original City Hall, respondent during post-screening discussion.
05/12/15 Inner Sunset Culture Club, 1970s history
05/07/15 History Exchange at Mechanics Institute
05/05/15 History evening with students from UC Berkeley ACES class at Subterranean Arthouse, Berkeley.
05/05/15 Market Street History walking tour for Gehl Architectural Group
04/26/15 McCoppin Plaza history photo exhibition
04/25/15 Anarchist bookfair, Crucible, Oakland
04/24/15 DeYoung Museum: 1970s social movements, in conjunction with Janet Delaney photo show.
04/14/15 San Francisco Conservation Corps class, City history during WWII and aftermath
04/08/2015 “The Tenderloin: SF’s Most Fraught Neighborhood” with Peter Field at Shaping Francisco Talks series.
04/07/2015 “From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco” urban studies class at Stanford University
03/30/2015 Bay Area Social Movement History class, ACES, UC Berkeley: lecture on “Labor and Ecological History of SF Bay”
03/08/2015 “Art, Education, & Justice: Bay Area” festival at The Lab
03/03 and 03/19/2015 Walking tour for members of The Battery private club
02/28-03/01/2015 History Expo
02/25/2015 “A Festival of Empire Wrapped in Technological Hubris: the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915,” a lecture given as part of the ongoing Shaping San Francisco Talks series at 518 Valencia Street.
02/22/2015 San Francisco history lecture for School for International Training, “IHP Comparative: Climate Change–The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy”
02/02/2015 Bay Area Social Movement History class, ACES, UC Berkeley: community partner
01/22/2015 CCA Architecture class
11/15/2014 Howard Zinn bookfair, San Francisco
10/20/2014 University of San Francisco Rhetoric class walking tour through downtown
09/01/14 San Francisco history lecture for School for International Training, “IHP Comparative: Climate Change–The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy”
07/30/14 Center for Global Studies Mission walking tour
07/03/14 Northeast Waterfront historic walking tour for Exploratorium’s After Dark
06/23/14 UC Berkeley Design class walking tour
05/09/14 Waldorf high school bike tour Eco-south
04/27/14 SFSU social movements class bike tour Eco-south
04/07/14 Menlo High School, Atherton
03/28/14 USF walking tour SOMA
03/16/14 Kearny Street Workshop walking tour SOMA
03/12/14 Notre Dame de Namur class walking tour Mission
03/07/14 USF Urbanism Masters cohort walking tour Eureka Valley
03/04/14 Kearny Street Workshop writers’ workshop
03/01-02/14 History Expo, San Francisco
02/05/14 UC Berkeley Social Movements Class
11/8/13 Biodiversity Conference bike tour
11/1/13 Union for Democratic Communications Conference walking tour
09/13/13 Mission Creek walking tour for California College of the Arts
09/11/13 Talk on Bay Bridge, Shaping SF Talks series
07/31/13 Architects for Humanity lunchtime Designers Forum
06/19/13 walking tour for Architects for Humanity
05/19/13 walking tour for Stanford Urban Studies class
05/13/13 Urban Studies class at Stanford University (“community partner” to class)
03/02/13 History Expo at Old Mint, 2013
02/23/13 classroom presentation at California Institute of Integral Studies
02/21/13 Bike tour for Worldsavvy
09/15/12 Walking tour for Headlands Center for the Arts
09/14/12 Bike tour Panhandle/Wiggle for USF class
08/29/12 Walking tour Panhandle/Haight for USF class
07/21/12 Walking tour from SOMARTS in “Performing Community” festival
06/02/12 Walking tour of Market Street in Streetopia Festival
06/01/12 Walking tour “Food Politics” for California Institute for Integral studies class
05/31/12 Walking tour southern waterfront for Cascadia Sustainability Class
05/30/12 FoundSF “Dissent” presentation, concluding Shaping SF Talks series at CounterPULSE
05/29/12 “Uses of Market Street” talk in Streetopia Festival at the Luggage Store Gallery
04/10/12 Walking tour of Mission for California College of the Arts seminar
04/01/12 Ecological History bike tour for Jewish Museum
03/04/12 History Expo, Old Mint, San Francisco
10/11/11 Urban Studies guest lecture SF Art Institute
10/07/11 USF class Transit history bike tour
10/01/11 Market Street Walking Tour: SPUR/Studio for Urban Projects
09/28/11 USF Bicycle politics class
09/23/11 USF Sociology class
05/01/11 Labor Archives 25th anniversary celebration
04/06/11 City College of SF: English Class
02/12/11 History Expo, Old Mint
01/16/11 Shaping San Francisco’s Transit History Talk
12/09/10 SF Art Institute, walking tour of Dogpatch/shipyards
11/16/10 City College of SF: Art History in San Francisco class
11/16/10 Mission High School faculty meeting
09/07/10 Eureka Valley Branch Public Library
08/06/10 US Workers Coop Convention tour
06/23/10 US Social Forum workshop
11/19/09 SF Community Land Trust
10/29/09 Alexander Berkman Social Club
10/09/09 SF Public Library In-Service Staff meeting
09/10/09 SPUR: Archiving San Francisco
09/07/09 California Nurses Assn tour
07/25/09 Ocean View Branch Library
06/09/09 SF Museum & Historical Society
06/06/09 Ingleside Branch Library
04/27/09 Telegraph Hill Dwellers FoundSF demo
03/24/09 Potrero Hill Archives FoundSF demo
01/21/09 Wiki Rollout workshop
11/06/08 SF Arts Institute bicycle history tour
10/19/08 Slow Food Feast wiki sneak preview
09/28/08 BikeBike! bicycle tour
09/25/08 California Nurses Assoc. cablecar tour
03/22/07 Studying the Contested City, San Francisco Art Institute
02/26/07 Media Art and Hidden Noise, San Francisco Art Institute
02/14/07 “Land Grabs” CounterPULSE Talk
02/13/07 San Francisco Museum & Historical Society: Labor talk
10/26/06 SPUR: Past and Future Ecology
07/20/06 Comm. Housing Organizing Project, Senator Hotel, S.F.
04/07/06 “Teaching History” special interest group, American Educational Research Association
02/02/06 USF/John O’Connell Public Mural class
11/11/05 University High School assembly, San Francisco
07/28/05 Ecological history talk/Nature in the City Lunch Forum
03/19/05 CCA: The Edited Landscape class
02/15/05 New College Media Studies class
02/14/05 UC Berkeley Graduate Journalism class
04/21/04 SF State Univ., Geography Class
02/15/04 New College: Activism and Social Change Seminar
10/18/03 Potrero Hill History Night
09/19/03 “The Edited Landscape” class CCAC, Potrero Hill tour
09/14/03 California Nurses Assn. labor history tour
07/12/03 Labor History Tour on bicycle, LaborFest
07/09/03 YLEM Forum: History Matters!
05/03/03 Labor History Tour on bicycle, SF Bike Coalition
02/13/03 Crissy Field Visitors Center
11/25/02 Community College Humanities Assn., SF
10/04/02 Autonomous Media Conference, Tucson, AZ
05/22/02 OECD Study Tour “Social Innovation & New Economy”
05/07/02 ILWU Shop Stewards Meeting, Local 10
03/15/02 Crissy Field Visitors Center
03/06/02 Kioskcom 2002, workshop, Orlando, Florida
12/08/01 LaborTech 2001, USF, panelist
11/13/00 San Francisco State University graduate seminar
11/10/00 San Francisco Art Institute class
10/21/00 Hotel W, San Francisco, Station RAI (Italy)
10/20/00 California College of Arts & Crafts class
10/15/00 Pacific Film Archive
08/06/00 Centro Sociale Leoncavallo, Milan, Italy
05/25/00 Randall Junior Museum
05/18/00 City College Labor Studies class
05/09/00 City College Multimedia Studies class
04/27/00 Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center
02/24/00 SPUR (SF Planning and Urban Research)
01/21/00 California Conservation Corps
12/07/99 Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco
09/15/99 Books, Inc., 2251 Chestnut Street
08/10/99 San Francisco Bicycle Coalition membership meeting
08/07/99 Transit/Labor history tour on bicycle for BikeSummer ‘99
07/12/99 Telegraph Hill Dwellers Assn. monthly membership mtng
06/24/99 Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco
06/24/99 California Historical Society, San Francisco
05/25/99 Books Inc., 2275 Market Street, San Francisco
04/30/99 Southwest Labor Studies Conference, Ramada Hotel, SF
03/27/99 Anarchist Book Fair
03/01/99 Washington High School, science classes
02/26/99 “Which Way America? Visions, Voices, Viewpoints” Calif. Council for the Social Studies annual conference, Sunnyvale
02/25/99 San Francisco State University, Art History
02/25/99 Trinity College History Class, San Francisco
02/15/99 121 Railton Road Community Center, London England
02/11/99 Lancaster University, Lancaster England, Centre for Study of Environmental Change
–John Moores University Learning Methods Unit
–Initiative Factory
–Northwest Labor Studies Association
–North Liverpool Computer Center
01/27/99 James Lick Middle School, 7th grade social studies
01/26/99 Potrero Hill Merchants and Boosters Association
11/7-8/98 SF Book Festival
10/29/98 Mills College, History and Fine Arts Depts. classes
10/22/98 City College of SF, Multimedia Class
10/04/98 Mill Valley Film Festival
09/23/98 Exploratorium, SF
09/17/98 Bay Area Video Coalition
09/12/98 Exploratorium, SF
08/27/98 Sociology Dept., “Mass Media” UCSC, Santa Cruz
08/06/98 GGNRA Staff Meeting, Presidio
08/05/98 Printer’s Inc Bookstore, Palo Alto
7/30-8/2/98 Green & Gold: “Calif. Environments–Memories and Visions” Conference, UC Santa Cruz
07/25/98 SF Bike Coalition Membership meeting
07/22/98 Golden Gate Nurses’ Foundation
07/21/98 Japan-U.S. Community Education and Exchange
07/18/98 Meiklejohn Institute Conference “Building Democracy in the post Cold War era”
06/27/98 Presidio Visitors’ Center
06/24/98 SF Main Library, Public Workshop
06/08/98 Women’s Building History Committee
05/14/98 San Francisco Historical Society Awards Dinner (rec’d Award of Merit)
05/06/98 San Francisco State University: “Alternative Documentary” class
04/28/98 Cody’s Books, Berkeley CA
04/18/98 Pacific Sociology Association Conference, Cathedral Hill Hotel,SF
04/14/98 San Francisco Bicycle Coalition membership meeting
4/01/98 San Francisco State University: “Teacher Credential in Elementary Education” class
03/29/98 Anarchist Book Fair
03/18/98 San Francisco State University: Social Work Department
03/17/98 City College of SF: Labor Studies Class
01/23/98 Modern Times Bookstore Book Party
01/22/98 Grand Rollout, San Francisco Public Library
12/07/97 Bay Area Labor Archives
11/27/97 Other Cinema, Artists Television Access
11/21/97 San Francisco State University: Multimedia Design
09/09/97 San Francisco Historical Society
07/11/97 Labor & Technology Conference, SF State University
04/06/97 “Building a Community of Resistance” Conference, SF
04/02/97 Anarchist Book Fair
03/13/97 Open Forum seminar
03/07/97 UC Berkeley, Information Sciences class
02/19/97 City College of San Francisco: Labor Studies class
02/15/97 Fillmore Multimedia Conference, African-American Historical and Cultural Society
01/16/97 Cybersalon, Berkeley, CA
10/23/96 San Francisco State University: Multimedia Design
10/05/96 Ecological Bicycle Tour of San Francisco waterfront
09/25/96 UC Berkeley: Geography Department “Tea”
03/31/96 National Alliance of Media Arts Centers conference, Berkeley
03/30/96 Anarchist Book Fair
03/17/96 Bay Area Labor Archives
02/13/96 UC Berkeley: San Francisco History class
06/95 W.R.I.T.E. ’95 (Writers Retreat on Interactive Technology and Equipment) Emily Carr Institute of Design, Granville Island, Vancouver, B.C.
Public Branch Libraries, San Francisco
11/18/98 Glen Park, 653 Chenery St
11/21/98 Potrero Hill, 1616 20th St
12/02/98 Presidio, 3150 Sacramento St
12/09/98 Bernal Heights, 500 Cortland Ave
12/15/98 North Beach, 2000 Mason St
01/09/99 Park, 1833 Page St
01/23/99 Ingleside, 387 Ashton Ave
04/03/99 Western Addition, 1550 Scott Street
05/15/99 Anza, 550 37th Ave.
06/10/99 Marina, 1890 Chestnut
11/02/99 Sunset, 1305 18th Avenue
12/01/99 Main Library, 2nd Edition Rollout II
for Hidden San Francisco: Lost Landscapes, Unsung Heroes, and Radical Histories
August 2022: “Peter Greenberg Eye on Travel” CBS Radio, scroll to 1:28:30 for ten minutes on Hidden San Francisco and more. (only worked in Chrome)
March 24, 2020: East Bay Yesterday podcast
March 5, 2020: KPOO-FM Judy Drummond show
for Shift Happens! Critical Mass at 20
August, 2020: ¡Tome pá que Aprenda!, Entándem Fundacion, Ibagué, Colombia
April, 2020: Santo Domingo Critical Mass, Dominican Republic, Instagram interview
March, 2018: LA Network: De la masa crítica a la minga
July, 2017: New Indie, Chile
June 25, 2017: Energía Rebelde (Chile) from World Bike Forum #6 in Mexico City
June 7 2017: KBOO-FM The Bike Show
April 2017: Commenting on Sao Paulo cycle path removal
October 2016: Interview with Cicloaxion (Lima) at FMB5 in Santiago, Chile
April 2016: Chris Carlsson: “No creo en la superioridad moral basada en la elección de un vehículo”
January 2015: Velo Visionaries #1 by Kristin Tieche
August 2015: “Chris Carlsson, l’homme aux origines de la Masse Critique”
May 2014: 30 – a velocidade que respeita (30km/hr: A Respectful Speed) from valentinna.
February 2014: Bike é Legal: 3rd World Bike Forum, Curitiba Brazil
February 13, 2014, Carta Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil
February, 2014, Teledomingo, GloboTV, Porto Alegre, Brazil
January 2013, Against the Grain, KPFA-FM
November 2012, Action Speaks Radio!
October 2012, Your Call Radio, KALW-FM, Increased Urban Bicycling
October 2012, Cidades Para Pessoas, 20 anos de Critical Mass (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
September 2012, KALW-FM, San Francisco: Mass Movements
September 2012, KALW-FM, San Francisco: A Spoke In the Wheel of Critical Mass’ story
September 2012, KQED-FM, San Francisco: Forum
September 2012, Earth Island Journal: Critical Mass Turns 20
September 2012, UK Guardian Bike Blog: Happy Birthday Critical Mass!
September 2012, SF Bay Guardian: Critical Mass at 20
September 2012, Earthjustice: Critical Mass at 20
September 2012, Shift Happens: Power to the Pedals (Roy Christopher)
September 2012, Comune-Info: Lo sciame che trasforma la città (Rome, Italy)
September 2012, 20 Years of Critical Mass,
September 2012 “CHRIS CARLSSON 20 años no es nada” Vida Sana/The Ecologist (Spain)
September 2012 Bicizen interview on Critical Mass at 20 (Italian)
July 2012 “Other Voices” RTVE Radio Exterior (Spain)
07/04/12 “Carne Cruda” RTVE Radio 3 (Spain)
for Ten Years That Shook the City: San Francisco 1968-78
08/20/12 KALW-FM, “City Visions: A People’s Archive of the Bay Area”
11/02/11 Against the Grain, KPFA, live from Oakland General Strike
08/16/11 Letters and Politics, KPFA
08/14/11 New Day Jazz, KDVS
06/29/11 Against the Grain, KPFA
06/26/11 Greater Media Detroit
for Nowtopia
02/13/14 Bike é Legal, Sao Paulo: on Public Space
02/08/14 ZeroHora, Porto Alegre, Brazil
02/26/12 Radio Ipanema, 94.9 FM, Porto Alegre, Brazil
11/02/10 TEDxAmazonia, Manaus, Brazil
10/05/10 Radiopopolare, Milan, Italy
06/18/10 Car-Free Vancouver Day (You Tube) part 1, part 2
05/08/10 Chris Carlsson on Bicycling and CounterCulture Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
03/06/10 Oguiaverde Youtube on Critical Mass
02/05/09 Google Author series, Santa Monica, CA
01/31/09 World Social Forum (Brazil) (YouTube)
01/22/09 DecrescitaFeliz (Italy) (YouTube)
06/22/08 Mind Over Matters (YouTube), KEXP-FM, Seattle, WA
10/10/08 CBC Radio “The Current” with David Suzuki
09/09/08, Toronto
09/05/08 CFRB-AM, John Moore Show, Toronto
09/05/08 PROUD-FM, Shaun Proulx Show, Toronto
09/05/08 CIUT-FM The Green Majority, University of Toronto
09/05/08 CFRU-FM Wake Up!, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada
09/04/08 Steppin’ Out of Babylon, Eugene Oregon
08/05-12/08 Pedal Driven, CKDU-FM, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Part 1 (mp3), Part 2 (mp3)
07/17/08 MTV Italia
07/10/08 Speakers Forum, KUOW-FM, Seattle WA
06/22/08 Mind Over Matters, KEXP-FM, Seattle, WA
06/20/08 No Boundaries on WBNW, Money Matters Network
06/13/08 KDVS-FM, Davis CA
06/04/08 Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade, WBAI-FM, NYC
04/23/08 Against the Grain, KPFA-FM
04/18/08 with Diamond Dave Whittaker
03/28/08 KBOO-FM, Portland OR “Positively Revolting” Radio
Summer 2004: Informal chat on Critical Mass at Macchia Rossa, Rome, Italy
05/17/2015: Chris Carlsson Talks Creating and Saving, Fighting for his Home on
04/15/2014: KQED radio: “San Francisco’s Housing Boom Repeats an Old Story”
03/01/2014: Mutiny Radio, Eviction crisis and history
Aug-Oct 2009 Carbusters #39, interview.
05/08/09 Freedom (UK) interview.
03/31/08 KALW-FM, City Visions, “Planning for Future Bicycling in San Francisco”
02/17/07 ChangeSurfer Radio (Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies)
04/17/06 KPFA, “Ruin, Rubble and Race”
August 2005 podcast interview on Bikescape
May 2005 interview in San Francisco Bay Guardian
for The Political Edge and After The Deluge
01/24/05 KPOO
02/20/05 KPFA Sunday Salon
02/21/05 KVMR morning show
06/07/05 KFAI-FM (Minneapolis)
for Processed World/Bad Attitude
03/24/86 KUSF
07/15/90 WPFW-FM Washington D.C.
07/13/90 CBS News Nightwatch, Washington D.C.
09/02/90 WBCN Boston
09/03/90 WBOS Boston
10/08/90 KNBR
12/12/90 KPFA
06/92 Paper Tiger TV: “Finally Got the News: Let Them Eat Laptops”
for Anti-Economy League of San Francisco
05/10/90 Radio Prague, Czechoslovakia
05/28/91 “Social Thought” KALW radio “Most of the Work We Do is Wasteful, Trivial & Irrelevant”
for Critical Mass
08/2016 World Bike Forum #5 in Santiago, Chile
04/2012 Magis magazine, Guadalajara, Mexico
02/2012 Gazeta do Povo, Curitiba, Brazil
02/2012 Jornal do Comercio, Porto Alegre, Brazil
02/2012 Sul21, Cicloativismo, Porto Alegre, Brazil
02/2012 The CityFix Brasil
06/2010 “Good Bike” audio CD by Têtes de Bois, Italy
10/02/05 KALW-FM Public Transit Show
09/06/05 Bikescape Podcast
07/24/03 WBAI-FM “Between The Lines” w/ Doug Henwood
07/2003 CJSR FM “Rise Up: Radio Free Edmonton,” Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
10/15/02 WYSO-FM, Yellow Springs, Ohio
09/26/02 KUSF-FM, Radio Segueway
09/23/02 WORT-FM, Madison, Wisconsin
08/11/2002 Il Manifesto, Milan, Italy
08/04/2002 RadioPopolare, Italy
06/2001 National Geographic, “Pulse of the Planet”
09/18/93 KALW
09/23/93 KUSF
for Shaping San Francisco/Reclaiming San Francisco
01/15/98 KUSF-FM radio interview
04/09/98 KALW radio “Book Talk”
04/27/98 KPFA radio “Morning Show”
05/09/98 KQED Forum
06/18/98 KPFA Radio: Living Room, host Larry Bensky
10/08/98 KALW radio “Towards Useful Consciousness”
08/26/99 webTV with Alex Bennett
05/17/00 web television
12/21/00 KPOO “Diamond Dave” on San Francisco
03/25/15 Western Neighborhoods Project podcast